United States Quality-of-Life Indicators
The United States Quality-of-Life Indicators tool allows you to extract information about specific quality-of-life dimensions and variables of a specific community (e.g., town or the geopolitical unity of a specific address). You can also compare the selected community with other communities in the U.S. The quality-of-life dimensions include demographics, economic wellbeing, education wellbeing, environmental wellbeing, health wellbeing, housing wellbeing, safety wellbeing, shopping wellbeing, social wellbeing, and work wellbeing.
Choose a dataset
Choose places to compare
Choose a time period
Do-It-Yourself Instructions
- Choose a dataset of interest from the dropdown menu.
- Choose up to three places to compare. First, choose the geographic level of the place of interest. This can be as low level as an individual census block or as high level as the entire United States. Second, choose the specific location. Depending on the geographic level, you will be able to input the location using a street address or selection from a dropdown menu.
- Choose whether you want to view a full time series or just the most recent data available. Time series will be displayed as line graphs while most recent values will generally be displayed as bar charts.