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About the Authors

Estes-Sirgy About the Authors EstesRichard J. Estes is Professor Emeritus of Social Work and Social Policy in the School of Social Policy & Practice of the University of Pennsylvania. He specializes in international and comparative social welfare, social policy, and social development. He has been the recipient of many awards and prizes for his contributions to comparative social development. In addition to the present volume, his books include The Social Progress of Nations, 1984; Trends in World Social Development, 1988; Health Care and the Social Services,1984; Towards a Social Development Strategy for the Asia and Pacific Region (with Edward Van Roy), 1992; Social Development in Hong Kong: The Unfinished Agenda, 2005; Medical, Legal, and Social Science Aspects of Child Sexual Exploitation, 2007; Advancing Quality of Life in a Turbulent World, 2007; Social Progress in Islamic Societies: Social, Political, Economic, and Ideological Challenges (with Habib Tiliouine, Dordrecht NL: Springer), in preparation; and Human Well-Being: The Untold Global History (with M. Joseph Sirgy, Dordrecht HL: Springer), in preparation, 2015. E-Mail:
Estes-Sirgy About the Authors SirgyM. Joseph Sirgy is a management psychologist (PhD, University of Massachusetts, 1979) and Virginia Tech Real Estate Professor of Marketing at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). He has published extensively in quality-of-life (QOL) research. He is the author/editor of many books related to quality-of-life and well-being research. He received several awards from the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS): Distinguished Fellow Award, Distinguished QOL Researcher Award (for research excellence and a record of lifetime achievement in QOL research), and Excellence in Service (for long-time service to ISQOLS). He was also awarded the EuroMed Management Research Award for outstanding achievements and groundbreaking contributions to well-being and quality-of-life research. E-Mail: